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Wednesday 31 December 2014

Introductions are a must...

Who am I?

Hi, my name is Vanshikha Taparia, and I'm in high school.

For starters, I am a bookworm, but I love art, reading, nature and things that have deeper meanings to them than what initially meets the eye. I love dystopian fiction, and I'm developing a growing interest for books that relate real life elements to every day events; or a book where the characters are affected in ways that I can relate to. These books may be from different genres, but I consider each to be a worthwhile read!

So, why this blog?

"Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book."
- Hazel Grace as captured in The Fault In Our StarsJohn Green

The above quote is a quote that I wholeheartedly agree with. It captures everything I would want to say. I am as obsessed as Hazel Grace from The Fault In Our Stars. I read so many books, of which most, if not all of them, leave an indelible mark on my mind and gives me this nagging feeling that then leads me to write about that book.

I want people to share the love I have for books, and share my obsession. So I created this blog to post reviews on books across genres and recommend them to whoever comes across this blog. This way, I'm able to let you (the reader) decide if a certain book that I've read and enjoyed is worthy of your time or not.

Everyone has a hobby; and mine was to read about books, but now I'm expanding my horizons by blogging on what I have read and share it with you. Hope you enjoy!

What's so special about books?

Personally, books are my escape from the real world.

My book shelf is loaded with books of all kinds: futuristic dystopian fiction, historical fiction etc.

Books are unique, each having its own message or meaning. I enjoy books because of their worth, and the feeling of being lost in the pages for many hours. If you're a book worm, you can easily relate to this feeling.

In the end, it's not about a physical book or an electronic book, but about what an author does with their characters, memorable plots and how they make their prose flow. Bottom line: They make a special book special.

So, when will I blog?

My posts will be impromptu. A good book will trigger an emotion, which will trigger a post.

Why Should You Read This Blog: Book Bouncer Reviews?

There's nothing special about this blog except that it's a way for me to give you some extra insight about a book that you might want to read and discover all the different books that you might not have considered.

It is a two-way street. I'm always open to any opinions, ideas about books, and book recommendations that YOU have. After all, we all have a common interest: BOOKS.

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